
02 JUNE 2023 
HILLWORKS is thrilled to welcome summer interns Paulina Arango, Allyssa Clements, and Tatum Debardeleben.

19 MAY 2023 
The Transformation Garden at Auburn University is awarded a 2023 Merit Award in Analysis and Planning from the ASLA Southeastern Regional Conference.

09 MARCH 2023
FIELDWORK UPDATE: Drone shots of Transformation Garden winter crops.

24 FEBRUARY 2023
We’re excited to be part of the design team led by Reed Hilderbrand to explore the future of Chattanooga’s Montague Park. So many fantastic advocates, such a good team, great discussions all around. Looking forward to more.

15 FEBRUARY 2023
FIELDWORK UPDATE: We enjoyed a dormant season burn in the Alabama Meadows research plots with the landscape architecture students from Auburn.

14 DECEMBER 2022
David spent the last couple of days at UVA for final reviews. Thank you, Leena for the invitation. Such a lovely way to end the semester. It was so fun to see the work and catch up with the knockout faculty. [Second only to the faculty at Auburn of course!]

10 NOVEMBER 2022
FIELDWORK UPDATE: Chunky-Monkey-Mock-Up-Update at Pratt Mill.

29 OCTOBER 2022
FIELDWORK UPDATE: Soil building continues at Auburn University’s Transformation Garden. Winter cover crops were seeded right through the fading summer cover earlier this week using a seed drill.

10 OCTOBER 2022
David Hill and Emily Knox are delighted to announce that Alabama Meadows Research Plots received an Honor Award in Research from the American Society of Landscape Architects [ASLA].

FIELDWORK UPDATE: Sadie and Rachel spent the day counting, flagging, and arranging species in the perennial mix beds at Highside Market in downtown Columbus, GA.

26 AUGUST 2022
David thoroughly enjoyed joining the Auburn MLA crew at Rural Studio for Neck Down 2022! He’s definitely biased, but he gets to work with the best humans. Such amazing students, such incredible faculty at Auburn University.

28 JULY 2022
FIELDWORK UPDATE: Drone shot from the Alabama Meadows Research Plots as the grasses are getting lengthy.

19 JULY 2022
FIELDWORK UPDATE: Trees have been planted at Highside Market.

17 JULY 2022
FIELDWORK UPDATE: Ongoings at the Transformation Garden: flatwork going in, finish grading in the works, regenerative cover crops coming soon.

20 JUNE 2022
We are delighted to team up with Square Feet Studio and Elizabeth Ingram Studio to work on this project in Atlanta, GA. This steel structure was salvaged from the former Stein Steel and Supply Company complex and is being reassembled as a massive pavilion canopy. Quirky planting to follow soon.

12 JUNE 2022
David spent last week in Philadelphia with a great crew of MLA students from Auburn’s Landscape Architecture Program as they finally installed their thoughtful and award winning PHS flower show exhibit titled ‘Mixed Shade, Much Joy.’ They’ve been working with the incredible Abra Lee over the last semester to design and build an exhibit that celebrates the work of Harlem Renaissance poet Effie Lee Newsome, specifically highlighting her 1941 children’s book of poetry Gladiola Garden. These students did such good work throughout all stages, and it was a joy to watch them create such an immersive atmosphere.

01 JUNE 2022
HILLWORKS welcomes summer interns Paulina Arango and Helena Starnes!

12 APRIL 2022
FIELDWORK UPDATE: When trees fly... Redbud and Black Gum trees descended from the sky at the Porch House.

08 MARCH 2022
Introducing Cypress Nature Preserve in Montgomery, AL. Along with Auburn University, we’ve been advocating for this place to become a nature preserve of some sorts. Fingers crossed that we’re getting closer. This place is amazing.

03 MARCH 2022
David is delighted to announce that he has received his Prescribed Burn Manager certification from the Alabama Forestry Commission. Thank you, Dr. John Kush, for your guidance and expertise in FORY 7930: Forest Fire Management course [affectionately known as fire class].

19 FEBRUARY 2022
FIELDWORK UPDATE: Gravel mock-up for the work-road has been installed. This mock-up may not seem like much, but it represents momentum finally building after 6 years of advocacy and design work for Auburn’s Transformation Garden at the Historic Old Rotation.

14 FEBRUARY 2022
We’re excited to announce that Sadie Chitty has joined the crew as a Landscape Designer! Sadie is a Birmingham native and recently graduated from the MLA program at Auburn University.

10 FEBRUARY 2022
FIELDWORK UPDATE: Back in the Alabama Meadows Research plots for a series of prescribed burns... thank you Dr Kush and F Randle for the careful choreography.

29 JANUARY 2022
FIELDWORK UPDATE: A group of us spent this incredibly chilly morning clearing fire lines around the prescribed burn areas in the Alabama Meadow research plots. Fingers crossed that we’ll be able to burn this coming week as long as the weather permits.

17 DECEMBER 2021
FIELDWORK UPDATE: The sliding doors were installed today at Porch House.

01 NOVEMBER 2021
We’re delighted to announce that HILLWORKS received three design awards from the Alabama Chapter of the American Society of Landscape Architects [ASLA]. Auburn’s Advanced Structural Engineering Laboratory received a Merit Award for Design, the Woodland Garden received a Merit Award for Design, and the  Alabama Meadows Research Plot [research collaboration with the notorious Emily Knox] received an Honor Award in Research.

12 OCTOBER 2021
FIELDWORK UPDATE: Captured the basins at Auburn’s Advanced Structural Engineering Laboratory working diligently during a decent rain last week. To our constant surprise and delight, no standing water remained after 24 hours, and the spunky plants are no worse for the wear.

02 OCTOBER 2021
FIELDWORK UPDATE: We are experimenting with growing season burns at the meadow research plots at Auburn’s Mary Olive Thomas Demonstration Forest [seeded in April 2020]. Thank you, Dr Kush and Dr Barlow, for the continual guidance and support.

FIELDWORK UPDATE: We got some drone shots of Auburn’s Advanced Structural Engineering Laboratory. Still waiting for some plant growth in the big-ol’-basins but it’s looking pretty good.

05 AUGUST 2021
FIELDWORK UPDATE: Big Bluestem [Andropogon gerardi] and Indiangrass [Sorghastrum nutans] are really blooming profusely in the meadow research plots at Auburn’s Mary Olive Thomas Demonstration Forest.