
20 SEPTEMBER 2013 
David joins a cross-disciplinary team of nine faculty from Auburn’s School of Architecture, Planning + Landscape Architecture, Building Science, and College of Agriculture to explore design needs in Haiti.

14 SEPTEMBER 2013 
David leads one of the five design teams invited by the Urban Studio to explore design opportunities within the public realm of the First Avenue South corridor in Birmingham, Alabama.

04 SEPTEMBER 2013 
Birmingham Home and Garden
features the 274 Bragg Avenue project in the September/October issue.

16 AUGUST 2013 
HILLWORKS' 274 Bragg Avenue project is featured in the August issue of ReModeling Magazine.

08 AUGUST 2013 
Discussing experimental projects from HILLWORKS and D.I.R.T. studio, David gives a talk about design methodology titled "Site Histories and Site Forensics" to a crowd of 180 architects at a Workshop at Auburn University.

05 JULY 2013 
The Congregation Or Hadash Synagogue project was one of ten projects from around the world [and the only one from the US] shortlisted by the World Architecture Festival to be eligible for a grand prize in the Religion category. Architects David Yocum and Brian Bell [of BLDGS] will be presenting the project to a jury at the annual World Architecture Festival in Singapore in October.

10 JUNE 2013 
and Custom Home magazines announce that the kitchen within the 274 Bragg Avenue project has received a 2013 Watermark Grand Award. The Watermark Award is a national honor that recognizes "quality, innovation, and excellence in kitchen and bath design."

07 MAY 2013 
The Joseph J. Zilber School of Public Health is awarded with a 2013 Mayor's Design Award, which praises projects that contribute design excellence to the urban landscape of Milwaukee. Earlier this year, this project was also recognized by the Business Journal with a 2013 Real Estate Award.

13 APRIL 2013 
The Phenology Project, a research investigation led by David that explores the dynamic spatial qualities of plants through the seasons, was awarded a 2013 Award of Merit by the Alabama Chapter of ASLA.

13 APRIL 2013
The Alabama Chapter of ASLA awards HILLWORKS' Transformation Garden, the landscape of the 274 Bragg Avenue project, with a 2013 ASLA Alabama Design Award of Merit.

11 APRIL 2013
Highlighting work from D.I.R.T. studio and HILLWORKS, David presents a paper titled "Beyond Demolition Drawings" at the Reclaim + Remake Symposium at Catholic University in Washington DC.

04 APRIL 2013
Camera crew spends 8.5 hours on site of the 274 Bragg Avenue project for about 4 minutes of actual airtime for HGTV's "You Live in What" television series. Stay tuned for the upcoming broadcast schedule.

31 MARCH 2013
David is invited to serve as a board member for DesignAlabama.

27 MARCH 2013
David presents two interactive presentations titled "Propagating Interest in Plant Design" and "Toomer's Oaks: What a Pair of Poisoned Trees Might Tell Us About Ourselves" at the CELA Annual Conference in Austin, Texas.

14 MARCH 2013
David serves as a jury member for the Pennsylvania-Delaware Chapter’s 2013 ASLA Awards.

27 FEBRUARY 2013
The University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee's Joseph J. Zilber School of Public Health which is located within the historic Pabst Brewery complex receives the LEED Gold certification from the U.S. Green Building Council.

25 OCTOBER 2012
Auburn's School of Architecture, Planning and Landscape Architecture awards David with the 2012 Outstanding Teaching Award.

07 JUNE 2012
The University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee's Joseph J. Zilber School of Public Health celebrates the opening of its renovated space within the Historic Pabst Brewery Complex… the bulk of the festivities occur within the wooly terraces.

28 APRIL 2012
The 2012 Historic Perservation Award is bestowed on the 274 Bragg Avenue project by the Alabama Remodelers Association.

09 FEBRUARY 2012
The Alabama Chapter of AIA awards HILLWORKS' 274 Bragg Avenue project with a 2012 AIA Alabama Design Award of Merit.

28 JANUARY 2012
The 274 Bragg Avenue project is featured in the January/February issue of Society South Magazine.

07 DECEMBER 2011
HILLWORKS' adaptive reuse project, 274 Bragg Avenue, receives a 2011 AIA Montgomery Design Award of Merit.

02 NOVEMBER 2011
David joins Julie Bargmann, Jen Trompetter, and Marni Burns [aka the D.I.R.T.girls] in San Diego to present D.I.R.T studio in the 'Inside the LA Studio' series at the National ASLA Conference.

28 JUNE 2011
Design team comprised of BLDGS architects, HILLWORKS, and Fisher Dachs are selected for the Ferst Center for the Arts Renovation Project at Georgia Tech.

30 MARCH 2011
Participating in the TransAtlantic Climate Bridge, David travels to Berlin, Dessau, and Hamburg Germany to meet with federal environmental agencies related to energy and climate change and to study regenerative landscapes, including several biogas facilities.

16 DECEMBER 2010
In partnership with landscape architecture professors Michael Robinson and David Hill at Auburn University, the Town of Section, Alabama receives a $50,000 grant from the Appalachian Regional Commission to research and develop a plan for sustainable growth.

14 OCTOBER 2010
David Hill [Landscape Architecture], Oladiron Fasina [Biosystems Engineering], and Amy Campion [English] are selected as faculty winners in the TransAtlantic Climate Bridge competition sponsored by the Auburn University Office of International Education and the Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany.

16 JUNE 2010
"The 'Projects' Project," an Auburn University Masters of Landscape Architecture Design Studio led by David, is selected as a OnePrize Award semi-finalist in TerreformONE's "Mowing to Growing: Reinventing the American Lawn" competition.

14 MAY 2010
David presents a paper titled "Potency of Planted Form:  Exposing the Phenology of a Place" at the ISOMUL/CELA Annual Conference in Maastricht, Netherlands.

12 APRIL 2010
Auburn University Student Government Association awards David with the Outstanding Faculty Award within the CADC.