
16 DECEMBER 2010
In partnership with landscape architecture professors Michael Robinson and David Hill at Auburn University, the Town of Section, Alabama receives a $50,000 grant from the Appalachian Regional Commission to research and develop a plan for sustainable growth.

14 OCTOBER 2010
David Hill [Landscape Architecture], Oladiron Fasina [Biosystems Engineering], and Amy Campion [English] are selected as faculty winners in the TransAtlantic Climate Bridge competition sponsored by the Auburn University Office of International Education and the Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany.

16 JUNE 2010
"The 'Projects' Project," an Auburn University Masters of Landscape Architecture Design Studio led by David, is selected as a OnePrize Award semi-finalist in TerreformONE's "Mowing to Growing: Reinventing the American Lawn" competition.

14 MAY 2010
David presents a paper titled "Potency of Planted Form:  Exposing the Phenology of a Place" at the ISOMUL/CELA Annual Conference in Maastricht, Netherlands.

12 APRIL 2010
Auburn University Student Government Association awards David with the Outstanding Faculty Award within the CADC.

24 MARCH 2010
David serves as a jury member for the 2010 CELA Awards.

02 NOVEMBER 2009
David receives a CADC research grant to fund the Phenology Project and inaugurates the landscape performance LAB.