![The gas-to-energy plant offers a unique symbol of the park through creative reuse. Situated on an older portion of the landfill, the tower and new simple structures make a memorable perch with extraordinary views to the city below. [image by Lehrer Architects]](https://www.hillworks.us/funstuff/wp-content/uploads/2018/03/puente08-1832x1280.jpg)

Rising five hundred feet out of the earth and sprawling over 1300 acres, the Puente Hills Landfill stands as our country’s second largest landfill. Opened in 1957 Puente Hills received rubbish from Los Angeles County for over fifty years, closing permanently in 2013. The Puente Hills Landfill Park Masterplan outlines the adaptation of this massive piece of infrastructure into much-needed public space. Not only will the landfill continue to a.) carefully store over 130 million tons of waste, b.) transform captured methane into electricity, and c.) detain destructive leachate, but this gigantic landmass has now been charged to d.) host a thriving collection of novel ecologies and e.) provide areas for public recreation. Meanwhile, a substantial portion of the top deck is projected to subside over 125 feet vertically within the next 30 years. The design team assembled 12 park objectives that will guide the adaptable masterplan framework. Rather than a masterplan that prescribes the form of the project, this flexible framework provides design direction that revels in the continual fluctuation of this shifting terrain.
Collaboration with
Lead Landscape: Withers & Sandgren
Environmental: ECORP Consulting, Inc.
Planning: AMEC Foster Wheeler
Geotechnical: Ninyo & Moore
Transportation: Fehr & Peers
Air & Noise: Kunzman Associates, Inc.
Engineering: PACE
Outreach: Arellano Associates, Day One and VPE